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Collaboration Project
with Kure National College of Technology in Japan
Why don’t you join our project and create a business plan with Japanese partners?
Send your idea to Japan!

Kure National College of Technology (KNCT) is looking for students who would like to conduct business with our KNCT students.   First, send your preliminary business idea to us.
We will find your collaborator(s) from KNCT, and you will make a detailed plan together.  If the plan your collaborative team made is adopted, you can bring it into the simulation, and hopefully, into reality!  Don’t miss this opportunity! 

How to apply:
Proposal should be written in English. 
Click here to get Proposal Form.(MS Word)

Send it by email to project2008@kure-nct.ac.jp

Application and inquiries:
Kure National College of Technology
Technoshop Office

  E-mail project2008@kure-nct.ac.jp 
  FAX +81-823-73-8431
     Technoshop Project